Cruise Control – 21st February, 2023
Catch up with the latest Tech News update on CruiseCtrl with Bookii. From Twitter update on Two Factor Verification, to TikTok Creator Funds, Chipper Cash laying off more than one-third of its work force etc.
Catch up with the latest Tech News update on CruiseCtrl with Bookii. From Twitter update on Two Factor Verification, to TikTok Creator Funds, Chipper Cash laying off more than one-third of its work force etc.
Do you really know how to read time in AM and PM? Do you know that the Egyptians had a hand in deciding how time is read now? Learn how to properly read time in AM and PM today in this episode. Tech Gist: 1) AU launches debt observatory to […]
Technology has tremendously changed the wellness fitness industry. Bookii shares some of the latest fitness and TechNews Update on CruiseCtrl.
The #WordOfTheDay is “DBMS – Database Management System”, and on this day in 1959, the first weather satellite in space, Vanguard 2, was launched to measure cloud-cover distribution. The satellite is still in orbit today and is expected to continue to orbit for about 300 years. Tech Gist: 1) Israeli […]
Is the Naira redesign a Hit or a Miss? And are Nigerians using the E-Naira? Listen Bookii on CruiseCtrl as she discusses the latest trends in Tech.
The day after February 14 (Valentine’s Day), is known as Side Chicks Day in the US for those who could not get any comfort on Val’s Day. The #WordOfTheDay is “Bit” – Binary Digit and on this day in 2005, video sharing site, YouTube was launched. Tech Gist: 1) Nigerian […]
ChatGPT vs Google Barb, who is running the spotlight for AI-Generated content in 2023? As the world celebrate Valentines Day, what gift can you get your loved ones? More importantly, what tech gift can you get your loved ones? Viral Tech news on CruiseCtrl with Bookii.
Even as we join the rest of the world to celebrate World Radio Day today, which this year is themed “Radio and Peace”. Host Lilian joins Bookii to discuss the importance of Radio, a medium of expression and influence.
As we celebrate #WorldRadioDay and #AfricaPodcastDay, Tony shares reasons podcasts fail. Also on this day, the Lumiere brothers patented one of the earliest motion picture projectors, their Cinematograph. Tech Gist: 1) AsyariLabs launches its 1st propriety nanosatellite hardware to space. 2)Gaming startup Carry1st acquires mobile board game Gebeta for an […]